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Reciprocal Link Exchanges & Spam Filters

Overcome Spam Filters In Your Linking Campaign

Originally Published: August 5, 2003

Don't Spam In Your Linking Campaign

  • Your email message must not have a subject that sounds like advertising. Email messages with the infamous subject line "Let's trade links!" will nowadays be deleted immediately. Too many spammers used that subject line in the past and therefore it's not effective anymore.

  • You should also refrain from impersonal salutations like "Dear Sir / Dear Madam", "Dear webmaster," or "Hi!". If you use personalized salutations, then you'll get many more webmasters to read your email message.

  • It's very important that you take a look at the web site of the potential link partner before sending an email message. Try to find the name of the contact person. If the webmaster is called Richard, then write "Dear Richard". Ask yourself: Which email message would you trust more, one that says "Hello Internet user!" or one that says "Hello your-name"?

  • Visit and surf through the web site of your potential link partners. This way, you can tell them what you like specifically of their web site, for example the easy to understand navigation, the green buttons, the artwork, the collection of special articles, etc.

  • Only include links to your own web site in the email message. Never include links to other web sites or even advertising links. Your email message would look like another spam email and the webmaster would not link back to you (if the message wasn't caught by their spam filters before).
Editor's Note: Also see Reciprocal Link Exchanges & The CAN-SPAM ACT

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