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Sitemap & Spider Map Creator

Links For Search Engine Spiders

Create both a sitemap & spider map of your site for free.

The spider map will link directly to all the pages on your site and makes it easy for people or spiders to find every page on your site. You have the option of adding each page's META DESCRIPTION text under the page links.

The sitemap uses the standard xml protocol supported by the major search engines.

Creating your maps is simple, enter the URL of your default home page in the form below. Our spider will spider all the pages of your site and create the sitemap and spider maps using your META TITLE text as the link text.

Enter Values To Create Your Maps

Your site's default page:

(Your default page is something like

Include descriptions under links?

It may take several minutes to create the map, please be patient

Terms Of Service:

This map creator is free but if you use the map on your site please leave the link to at the bottom of the spider map page.

For more help in promoting your site download the free trial version of IBP Software to optimize & promote site.

If you have any comments or questions about this map please contact us.

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July 27 2024 02:46 UTC