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Which Web Page Elements Lead To High Google Rankings

New Study Compares HTML Tags & Google Results

Originally Published: May 22, 2007

Which Web Page Elements Lead To High Google Rankings?

  • Keywords in the title tag seem to be important for high rankings on Google. It is also important that the targeted keywords are mentioned in the body tag, although the title tag seems to be more important.

  • Keywords in H2-H6 headline tags seem to have an influence on the rankings while keywords in H1 headline tags don't seem to have an effect.

  • Using keywords in bold or strong tags seems to have a slight effect on the top rankings. Web pages that used the keywords in image file names often had higher rankings. The same seems to be true for keywords in image alt attributes.

  • Websites that use the targeted keyword in the domain name often had high rankings. It might be that these sites get many inbound links with the domain name as the link text.

  • Keywords in the file path don't seem to have a positive effect on the Google rankings of the analyzed web sites. Web pages that use very few parameters in the URL (?id=123, etc.) or no parameters at all tend to get higher rankings than URLs that contain many parameters.

  • The file size doesn't seem to influence the ranking of a web page on Google although smaller sites tend to have slightly higher rankings.

  • It's no surprise that the number of inbound links and the PageRank had a large influence on the page rankings on Google. The top result on Google has usually about four times as many links as result number 11.

Using This To Get High Rankings For Your Own Website

  • You'll get concrete advice for your website and your targeted keywords.

  • You can specify the search engine on which you want to get high rankings (,, or any other major search engine in many language variations).

  • The Top 10 Web Page Optimizer analyzes many more web page elements than the study above.

  • The results are tailored to your specific situation. You'll get specific advice that helps you to reach your goals.

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