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Link Building: Where to Start?

How to Start Your Reciprocal Links Campaign

Originally Published: April 2003

1. Link Check Your Competitors

2. Search Catalogs for complementary Sites

3. Link Check complementary Sites

When you do request a link trade, keep in mind these important tips:
  1. Be sure you have developed genuine content on your Web site of interest to the trading partner. Take the time to point out specific articles that would be of interest to THEIR visitors. Tell them they can host the article on their Web site if they'll simply credit you as the source and add a link to your site. Do all the work for them. E-mail them the page with a discrete credit at the bottom. Be sure the link to your site contains your important keywords to bolster your rankings on those keywords.
  2. Explain the advantages to the potential link partner and the advantages your site has to their visitors. They must clearly understand how linking to you benefits them.
  3. If you plan to link back to them as an enticement, consider telling them where the link will be placed, or set the link up in advance with the stipulation that you'll be glad to leave it there if they'll be kind enough to link back to you.
  4. Take the time to look over their site and then suggest where a link to you might be appropriate. Consider supplying example text to make this easy for them. Look for pages with relatively few outgoing links. Your link reputation, at least on Google, will be reduced in relation to the number of other links on the referring page.
  5. Most importantly, personalize your e-mails! You must distinguish yourself from all the spam most Web site owners are swamped with daily. If the link is particularly important to you, call them personally on the phone, write them a letter, or send a fax to show them you're serious.
This article is copyrighted and has been reprinted with permission from FirstPlace Software.

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